Metier Medical is trusted by many customers from all over the world, of course, because of the high quality of the products, and this quality consists of excellent raw materials from reliable suppliers and factories with whom cooperation has lasted for many years.
As components of success one should also mention 100% quality control; final inspection; highly qualified staff; cooperation with specialists in the development of new instruments and their evaluation. The certified quality management system according to ISO 13485 and ISO 9001 plays a significant role; taking care of the compliance with the quality standards of the exporting countries and it is worth noting that the company treats the interests of the customers with care and respects their special requirements.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that the factory space is over 1,500 square metres and is constantly growing. Its composition includes modern manufacturing division, a development department, spacious and modern office with an exhibition of products and a conference room. The company also has a warehouse containing a raw materials warehouse, a semi-finished goods warehouse and a finished goods warehouse.

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- Metier Medical Sp. z o.o. 9 Piaskowa Street 55-330 Źródła (Wrocław) Poland
- Office: (+48) 601 870 081
- Sales: (+48) 663 880 201
- Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 6 pm